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What to Do After a Slip & Fall Accident

What to Do After a Slip & Fall Accident

Accidents happen. The majority of people will experience a slip, trip, or fall accident at some point in their lives, whether it entails tripping over a loose cable at work or slipping on wet floors in the grocery store. Sadly, some of these accidents can lead to serious implications, including bodily injury and impairment.

It’s important to know which steps to take after a slip-and-fall accident to recover compensation for your suffering. To hold the offending party accountable for their negligence, you must first file a premises liability claim. Because this is an especially intricate area of the law, it’s in your best interests to seek sound legal counsel from an experienced personal injury attorney, as they can make sure you take the appropriate path to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Premises Liability in Connecticut

Premises liability is a type of personal injury claim resulting from dangerous or defective conditions on another person’s property (such as a restaurant, store, or other business). In addition to slip-and-fall accidents, other common premises liability cases include:

  • Snow and ice accidents
  • Inadequate property maintenance
  • Inadequate building security
  • Elevator and escalator malfunction
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Amusement park accidents
  • Water leaks and flooding
  • Toxic exposure
  • Dog bites

4 Steps to Take After a Slip & Fall Accident

A slip-and-fall accident can be disorienting and even debilitating. In addition to recovering compensation for medical expenses and loss of wages, it’s crucial for victims of slip-and-fall accidents to prioritize their health by taking the correct steps toward resolution.

Consider the following 4 steps that victims can and should take after being involved in a slip-and-fall accident.

#1. Seek medical attention.

Seeking medical care after a slip-and-fall accident is imperative. Even if there is no evidence or sensation of bodily injury after the incident, it’s always wise to see a physician who can conduct a proper medical evaluation to ensure there aren’t signs of internal bleeding or head injury, as these “silent sleepers” can impose serious complications if they go undiagnosed.

The decision to seek medical attention after an accident is twofold, as medical documentation will also prove useful in court if/when you choose to pursue compensation for your suffering.

#2. Report the slip-and-fall accident.

It’s essential to notify the manager, owner, or other authority at the property or business where the incident occurred. For example, if you tripped over a cable at your place of work, make sure you relay this information to your employer without delay.

Whatever the situation, it’s important to notify another party of the accident before leaving the premises when possible, as this can ensure that the incident is officially documented to be accessed and/or verified later on.

#3. Collect relevant evidence.

While medical documentation is often the foundation of a successful slip-and-fall claim, it’s wise to collect other relevant forms of evidence that may prove useful to your case. For example, you may want to consider taking photographs of:

  • The location of the fall. Were there exposed wires, wet surfaces, or loose flooring that caused your accident? It’s important to photograph any visible hazards that may have contributed to the slip-and-fall incident.
  • Any injuries sustained. It’s a good idea to photograph any injuries that resulted from the fall if applicable, such as a sprained ankle, black eye, or flesh wounds.

Another form of evidence includes witness statements. Make sure you collect contact information from surrounding witnesses who may be willing to testify about the accident and confirm the details of your injury.

It may also be worth jotting down a brief description of the occurrence, whether you do so digitally or on paper. You may want to include what you were doing before and during the incident, time, date, and other relevant details. When in doubt, it’s best to include all evidence you suspect is necessary, as an experienced premises liability lawyer can help you further refine corresponding evidence later on.

#4. Seek representation from a trusted personal injury attorney.

Sadly, many deserving victims who forgo adequate legal representation fail to obtain the compensation they are rightfully entitled to after a slip-and-fall accident. This is why it’s crucial to seek help from a qualified personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after a slip-and-fall accident.

Premises liability cases can be complex and difficult to win. This is because the burden of proof is on the plaintiff, meaning that the injured party is responsible for proving that a property owner’s negligence caused the slip-and-fall accident.

As you can imagine, this can easily escalate into a David vs. Goliath situation, as many companies and businesses possess access to greater funds and legal resources that the average patron does not. Your attorney's comprehensive knowledge and legal experience can help guide your steps and maximize your chance of obtaining a favorable outcome in court.

Our Firm Can Help You Fight for the Justice You Deserve

In a premises liability case, proving negligence is key. It's of paramount importance to seek help from a personal injury lawyer you can trust, as they can help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Our award-winning team at Carlson & Dumeer, LLC has a hard-earned reputation for providing aggressive and unyielding representation in court. We fight tirelessly on each client’s behalf while treating them with the compassion and respect they deserve. When you partner with our firm, you’re partnering with passionate legal advocates who will keep your best interests at heart from start to finish.

With over 20 years of collective experience, our skilled Hartford attorneys are here to prioritize your personal needs and goals. We’re available 24/7 for our clients in Connecticut and offer free no-obligation case evaluations to best serve you.

If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident, you deserve compensation for your suffering. Call (877) 795-5594 or contact us online to schedule your case evaluation with a reliable personal injury attorney in Hartford County.

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