Types of Car Accidents
Hartford Car Accident Attorney
Looking for an attorney for a car accident case in Hartford? Look no further than Carlson & Dumeer, LLC. As Hartford car accident attorneys, we have seen first-hand the devastating effects car accidents can bring on victims and their families. From broken bones to traumatic brain injuries, and wrongful death, car accidents can turn peoples' lives upside down.
We provide personalized, compassionate support and always pursue the absolute maximum financial recovery for our clients. As someone injured in a car accident, it's important to know that insurance companies are in the practice of grossly underestimating and devaluing claims in order to maintain the highest profit margins. It is essential that you have a seasoned Hartford personal injury attorney from our firm representing you throughout the claims process.
Almost all car accidents are the result of driver inattention, recklessness, distraction and ultimately, driver negligence.
Automobile accidents generally fall into three common types:
- Lane departure crashes
- Collisions at junctions
- Collisions with pedestrians and bicyclists
Common Types of Serious Collision
Head-on Collisions –These are some of the most dangerous of all because speed is usually involved. Head-on-collisions are typically caused when one vehicle strays into the path of an oncoming vehicle. They are often associated with speeding, drunk driving and swerving to avoid an object such as an animal in the road. They can also happen when someone is texting while driving or are otherwise involved in distracted driving behaviors.
Intersection Collisions – Car accidents at intersections differ between urban and rural settings. While the chances of someone running a red light or a stop sign and causing an accident in the city are higher than on a rural road, the chances of sustaining greater property damage and injuries are higher in rural areas because of higher speeds. Intersection collisions frequently involve side-impact crashes, which can be extremely dangerous because a vehicle's doors offer little protection.
Rear-end Collisions –Rear-end collisions occur when a vehicle crashes into the vehicle in front of it. These types of accidents are extremely common and are often caused by tailgating, driver inattention, impatience, and nowadays, texting while driving. While the typical medical consequence of a rear-end collision is whiplash, in cases involving higher speeds, herniation can occur and with minivans where there is a short, rear crumple zone, occupants can be killed in a rear-end collision.
Were You Injured in One of These Car Accidents?
If you were injured in a car accident, you are urged to contact a Hartford personal injury lawyer from Carlson & Dumeer, LLC right away. We do not accept a low-ball settlement offer because you deserve to be fully compensated. You can arrange your free consultation by calling us at (877) 795-5594.

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